Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Poor Ole Nuisance

A trip out to the farm to lick my needle poked fingers did me a world of good.  My sweet horses are always ready to come running to greet me and have their "itchy spots" scratched.  Upon arriving at the farm, I noticed my old gelding, Nuisance, (20 years old) standing all by himself.  It was alarming, because he is so clingy to the herd, he's ALWAYS with them.  I noticed him shifting his weight on his back feet.  That has always been the first sign of founder in him.  His front feet show the stress, but his back ones get the most soreness.  His neck just all of a sudden appears cresty and hard.  This isn't the first time I have had to battle this disease in him.  Any time new grass comes on, you can just go ahead and dry lot (put a horse in a pen with no feed except dry hay and water) him, because he will eat and eat and eat until he is nearly dead. 

Our summer was horrifically dry, and NOTHING grew.  In the past month, we've had 9 inches of rain, and the fields are luxurious.  I failed to take the old cahoot out of the pasture thinking the grass was short enough that it wouldn't hurt him.  That's what I get for thinking. 

He's not normally a people horse.  Actually, he downright has no use for people, unless they're bringing something to eat or have a curry comb in their hand.  He isn't naughty enough to run from anyone when he's being caught...  he just makes sure you know he really doesn't like you with the way he holds his nose.  But when he is sick, he's worse than ten husbands with the flu.  He wants to be cuddled, loved, babied.  It truly breaks my heart for him to get this way.  Breaks my heart even more to make him suffer through boring hay whilst watching all the other nags feast on the delectable new sprigs of green.  He is now hating every fiber in me for "starving him to death" making him eat dry hay.  Poor Ole Nuisance is now standing in his own form of "prison" until the grass gets a tad bit more mature. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's hard to find a worthy cause these days....

Right after we got back from our mission trip to Guyana, South America, our middle son got very ill.  He continued to decline each day.  A few days after being home, we ended up in the emergency room with him.  Right away they transported him to OU Childrens Medical Center in Oklahoma City...  They were treating him as critical.

I'm not writing this asking for donations.  I'm not trying to bring attention to our situation.  I just realized as I was sitting in the hospital room with my son, how discouraging it is for parents AND the children who find themselves locked in the room.

It was then that I decided Lucky Hare is going to make a difference in many children's lives.  We will be working very hard through this month to not only get your orders out to you in a timely fashion, but to set aside 25 ponies to donate to the children there in the hospital.  I hope that the ponies will bring smiles to not only the children, but to the parents who are so full of anxiety, watching their child suffer.

I tell you this to give you the opportunity to help us make an even bigger impact.  If you do so choose to help out, please let us know.  We will be taking the donation to OU Children's Medical Center sometime in the first two weeks of November.

This will prohibit us from donating to any other cause this year, but I feel this is definitely a worthy cause that deserves it.

Thank you in advance for those of you who have read this.  Even if you give us your prayers, that helps! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ambitious = Irresponsible?

Yes, yes, I agree, I am VERY ambitious.  I love to heap LARGE servings of responsibility upon my plate.  I work well under high stress.  (unless of course you know me, and you would very much disagree...  I'm really a high stressed nut-job!)

You could say I have too much going on.  I home-school two robust farm boys, and am raising a nearly 2 year old.  That alone should keep me busy.  Heap on top of that, I have horses and cows...  all of whom I love dearly.  Then that doesn't touch my responsibilities with the trucking company my husband created.  Yes, I have a lot going on.  Does all this satisfy me?  Apparently not.  Very much by accident, I fell into a business creating stuffed ponies.

STUFFED PONIES??????  Andrea does NOT sew....  Doesn't even know how to thread a sewing machine!  (well, as of last March I did not, until I awoke one morning deciding to make a pony...)

This sewing business has awoken within me something I did not know was there.  I LOVE to sew...  I LOVE to create these ponies.  I've always been very artistic, and that is pouring over into fabric.  Plus I get to SPEND MONEY online shopping for stuff to make these ponies...  WOW.  I'm really spoiled.

The truth of the matter is, I'm more irresponsible than anything.  If you only saw my house....  ugh.  I have totally neglected it to make these ponies.  My poor family no longer has a kitchen table...  it is my workspace.  I totally forget the grocery list.  (Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are nutritious aren't they?)  My dog lays at the door waiting for me to come out and play with him...  Yes, this ambitious path is highly irresponsible.  But I will figure out how to balance everything.  In time.  After Christmas.

I am heaping yet another responsibility upon my over full plate.  I plan on blogging about my crazy, fun-filled country life.  Some stories will be dull, some will be terrifying, but I hope to keep you all captivated by my madness!

Until next time!  ~ Andrea

 Check me out on or at the website  We twit as well and are even known to check email from time to time.